A wander round the garden.

The Rhododendron, Camellia and Magnolia Group South West Branch invited their membership to follow the example of their chair and post videos of their gardens. I can’t compete with his and I can’t persuade YouTube to let me upload it there, so I’m putting it here.

20 thoughts on “A wander round the garden.

  1. I really enjoyed the stroll round your beautiful garden Jim, you have so many gorgeous plants, all well grown and healthy.. It was very smoothly done too, I usually feel sick after watching a home video but not after yours.


  2. What a lovely tour around your garden Jim. I felt as though I was walking next to you. I am so impressed by people who can walk and talk and keep a steady hand! You have a nice voice too 🙂 Hope you’ll do more of these videos.


    1. Do I divulge my secrets? The steady hand is the excellent image stabilisation of Sue’s iPhone. It’s better than my iPad and much better than my camera. The sound track was added on afterwards. I was more than a little surprised at how much it sounds like it was done outside but the bird noise was picked up when I was filming and the spoken track done into a microphone in front of the computer. I turned the volume on the filmed soundtrack down a bit to make the wind noise less intrusive. I should have re-recorded the spoken bit to iron out the um’s and er’s. Adobe Premier Elements and Audacity were the two bits of software.


  3. Well done Jim. Excellent. Envious of your Geranium palmatum which I cannot really grow-and amazing red leaves I haven’t seen before. More later I hope. All the best. John


    1. I need a Bertie, or a Nigel. Can’t believe I’m vlogging at my age. There’ll likely be more from me and I’m hopeful others will join in. Wish I had room for some of your Magnolias.


  4. Some of you camellia cultivars are the same that are popular here. Nuccio’s Pearl was one of our most popular. We used to trade rhododendrons for camellia stock plants. Mr. Nuccio used to deliver them himself years ago.


      1. Where they were developed is not exactly ideal for them. They like the pleasantly warm weather, but they are regularly irrigated to compensate for the lack of rain and humidity.

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