
Hostas were a group of plants that for many years I didn’t grow. The odd one was planted and predictably reduced to rags and tatters by slugs. Years would pass before another attempt was made. All the while I was seeing excellent specimens in other gardens and admiring, even coveting them. I think it was ‘Raspberry Sundae’, seen on a local nursery as young plants, that flipped the switch from wanting to grow them to being determined to grow them. Like most of the Hostas we have, they went in pots and stayed in pots. In general it is easier to keep the slimy ones at bay, mainly by positioning the pots away from nearby slug hiding places. I don’t use slug pellets and I don’t have copper bands round the pots. This year I am experimenting with Grazers slug deterrent and in the main have had little damage, though that may be because it has been a dry spring.

Blue Mouse Ears
Devon Green
Fire and Ice
Gold Standard
Great Excape
Lakeside Cha Cha
Lakeside Little Tuft
One Man’s Treasure
Orange Marmalade
Raspberry Sundae
Wide Brim