Six on Saturday – 10/2/2018

Cornwall is bordered by sea on three sides and all the while that the wind is coming from it, enjoys some protection from extremes of cold and heat. Earlier this week it was coming overland, from east north-east, and it was pretty chilly. Not much was happening in the garden before it turned cold, even less is now. Indoors I sowed a few seeds; broad beans and onions. Today it’s not quite so cold but it’s drizzling.

Pittosporum tenuifolium ‘Elizabeth’. This was at this jaunty angle when we got back last week. It still is because I’m not sure what to do with it. I have a feeling it’s always going to be unstable so maybe I should cut my losses and get rid of it now. Alternatively I cut it back to reduce wind resistance, straighten it up and stake it; see what happens, then get rid of it in a couple of years time.

Hakonechloa clean-up. I’ve ventured out a few times to do be a bit of tidying up. It’s not pleasant, I’m glad I have a choice. Most of my Hakonechloas have collapsed, probably helped by the cats jumping on them. I don’t see any new growth yet, but it won’t be long coming. I’ve left the varieties that still look OK.

Fuchsia colensoi. Or is it F. perscandens? Or do I have one of each? There may have been a time when I knew. F. colensoi is a hybrid between F. perscandens and F. excorticata and I imagine there are several clones around, varying in how close to one or other parent they are. They are very much in the interesting but not showy bracket, flowering in winter with small, dingy coloured blooms, often coming straight out of quite old branches.

Double Hellebore. I always think my hellebores should do better than they do. None I’ve ever had have really thrived to produce  a big clump. I planted two doubles last year; this one is back up and flowering, the other has a few new leaves and no flowers. I have a lot of nondescript single seedlings around the garden, perhaps they’re harbouring too much disease for the good ones to get going.

New shoots. February is a month which starts as winter and ends as spring. Things that are starting to shoot now and seem frustratingly slow, will be well under way by the month’s end. Or so I keep telling myself. Those new shoots represent the promise of things to come. Or so I keep telling myself. New shoots are a worry too; will they get frosted? Will the slugs have them?
I’m reminded that I must divide the Dactylorhiza sometime very soon. And I have another Impatiens clone to plant out. And if Spotty Dotty is up, where is Kaleidescope? (Voice in head: ‘Relax, this is gardening, a leisure activity; you’re supposed to enjoy it’)

Tulips. A friend of mine who has a town house with no garden, packs loads of bulbs into pots each year. They then get turfed out to make way for summer bedding. Last year I picked them all out and took them home, to sort through and plant up in the autumn. She plants loads of different stuff to get a riot of colour over a long period, so I have no idea what’s in the mix or what will flower. That’s the pot in the middle. One is almost out already. The other pots were planted with one variety in each, my more orderly approach to things.

It’s going to warm up next week. Next week there will be flowers. Today, I’m relying on fellow sixers to strike a note of optimism, linked as ever from The Propagator’s own meme-meister’s post. A day of virtual garden visiting beckons, courtesy of the wonderful world of the blog.

17 thoughts on “Six on Saturday – 10/2/2018

    1. I just checked the bran tub on the way in and there are a few more buds coming. My worry was that second year bulbs wouldn’t flower. I rather like the thing of not knowing what to expect, it’s good to relinquish control occasionally.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, especially in a pot! I know what you mean. I like to limit the varieties in the border. Some varieties seem to return ok – Ballerina, Spring Green and Brown Sugar are my top repeaters.


  1. Such a shame about Elizabeth, it is a great form isn’t very beautiful form, shame to lose it but that’s a funny angle! That fuchsia is new for me and is beautiful wow, as for those other plants coming up, I so can’t wait to see them in flower Jim


  2. Haha … to play with the word “THE” I got cheated myself! Camellias … I may have forgotten them because the ones I have are spring varieties … I don’t have native acid soil but with a lot of bags my garden could accept them as many acidic plants..


  3. I don’t have Hakonechloa but I’m sure my cat would love to be jump in ! In my wish-list ! ( not for my cat…😁)
    Also lovely double hellebores….they are really THE winter flowers right now.


    1. I really want to love Hellebores, but they are only THE winter flower if they’re doing well. For me, THE winter flower would be Camellias, but you need acid soil, space and not much frost, or they will be a disappointment.

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  4. Lucky you with the tulip bulbs – looking forward to seeing from you what comes up colour-wise. My hellebores too are nothing to write home about and everyone else is always on about them being the you-know-what of Spring. Well mine certainly aren’t. they’re sad looking things one would hardly notice. Ho hum.


    1. Never sure if plants become the you-know-what of whenever on merit or because they are fashionable. It doesn’t matter how trendy a plant is, it still isn’t going to do well everywhere.


  5. Yes, like mrsdaffodil, I am in tune with your number 5. I keep peering at the new shoots, willing them on and on the watch for slugs – they are of course everywhere. I am loving my double hellebores, planted last year and so far so good – mine are in a very shady spot. I’m hoping they will bulk up over the years.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. “Relax, this is gardening, a leisure activity; you’re supposed to enjoy it.” Words to live by, indeed. I think the double Hellebores are trickier than the single sort – yours is lovely and will probably improve as time goes by. And cats jump on your plants? That’s a sport my cat hasn’t taken up yet – shhh! don’t tell him.

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  7. I might have to give up reading your blog, because I always add plants to my Wanted list. The spotty dotty’s got my eye this week (along w/about 4 others from you alone). I love that you rescued your friend’s tossed out bulbs – does she not plant them at all?


    1. I think she may have found more deserving causes than me to give them to in the past, she has nowhere to put them herself.
      Sorry for the damage inflicted on your purse. So many good plants… sigh. Thomas and his Eurya did it for me this week.


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